Welcome to Genmont
GenMont Biotech Incorporation
Excellent brand of functional probiotics
Probiotics VGA-1
Vaginal Infections
As more and more studies showed the diversity microbiota of the vagina, the microbiota of healthy women is generally dominated by Lactobacillus spp, which can create an acid environment to protect the host against some vaginal infections from sexual intercourse, menstruation or 。menopause etc.,several adverse health outcomes are occurred such as bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, trichomoniasis, pelvic inflammation disease and the risk of preterm birth.

Functional Probiotics VGA-1
●The VGA-1 have great tolerance of stomach acid and bile salt, they have been proven to survival in the lower intestine.
●Help to maintain or restore healthy vaginal flora which is important in maintaining vaginal health.
●Support the healthy balance of vaginal and urinary tract bacteria.

Scientific evidence
The friendly probiotic bacteria will create a proper vaginal flora. The evidence shows the friendly microorganism will associate with a healthy urogenital tract (vagina and urinary tract).
●The role of the vaginal microbiome in gynaecological cancer. BJOG.2018 Feb;125(3):309-315.
●The Vaginal Microenvironment: The Physiologic Role of Lactobailli. Front Med (Lausanne). 2018; 5: 181.
●Preventing urinary tract infections after menopause without antibiotics. Maturitas 2017 May 99:43- 46.
●Lactobacillus-Deficient Cervicovaginal Bacterial Communities Are Associated with Increased HIV Acquisition in Young South African Women. Immunity. 2017 Jan 17;46(1):29-37.
●Antimicrobial activity of lactobacillus strains against uropathogens. Pediatr Int. 2016 Oct;58(10):1009-1013.
●Lactobacillus species as biomarkers and agents that can promote various aspects of vaginal health.Front Physiol. 2015 Mar 25;6:81.
●Effects of probiotics on the recurrence of bacterial vaginosis: a review.J Low Genit Tract Dis.2014 Jan;18(1):79-86.

Antimicrobial abilities of VGA-1

Adhesion Assay
VGA-1 could be colonized in the vaginal epithelial cells and provide with the adhesion ability to compete growth space and prevent colonization of pathogens.

Potential commercial applications:
●Maintaining urogenital health: capsules, spray, gel
●Increase the added-value of the original product: VGA-1 can be added into fermentation products, dietary supplement, milk (fresh/powder) and sports drinks to enhance the nutrition values.
●Effectively Inhibit pathogens
●Change the vaginal pH
●Re-establish vaginal flora ecology
Targeted users:
●People with weakened immunity (menstruation and pregnancy)
●The menopause is influenced by a change in hormone levels
●Recurrent vaginal infections
●Taking oral contraceptives, antibiotics, steroids

Address:No.8, Nanke 7th Rd., Shanhua Dist., Tainan City 741, Taiwan (R.O.C.)